Hours: 10AM-3PM, Monday through Friday

T’ai Chi 2024-25

(Updated 08.16.2024)

Ridgely Middle School’s  @ 9:00 – 11:00 am.
Registration will be ongoing.

T’ai Chi is the traditional and ancient Chinese Self Defense Martial Art that has numerous health benefits that can help enhance your life with improved essential breathing, coordination, balance, flexibility, and… focus.

So, revitalize the joints and exercise your brain with this fun, gentle, low-impact exercise and stretching which helps strengthen the body along with reducing stress and anxiety, and so much more!

These classes introduce to the beginning and novice students the T’ai Chi basics of movement, relaxation, and deep breathing along with several fun and practical applications.

For those advanced students, these classes will further their understanding of Qi Gong, Taiji ruler, “The 8 Pieces of Brocade”, Tui’na, along with some traditional Silk Winding forms.

The postures of The Shortened Yang style T’ai Chi form will be emphasized. These classes are available to all youth, adults, seniors, and families. So come, take a class, and begin to explore and enjoy the wonderful world of T’ai Chi.

Consider visiting a class to see how this instruction may personally benefit you and your family.

For attire and additional information please contact:
David Huya at 410 – 661 – 7368 or