The Brush Up Camps will not operate this year because of coronavirus but look forward to serving you in 2022.
22nd Year! Get ready for school ! Make friends!! Have fun ! Snacks provided!! Games ! Puzzles !
Two programs available for students from all schools !!
All sessions are held at Ridgely Middle School, 121 Ridgely Road, Lutherville, Md. 21093
Brush-Up 9:00-11:30 am
August 17 to 21 or August 24 to 28, 2020
For students entering grades 5, 6, or 7
Brush Up Camp helps students prepare for school by reviewing math and written language skills. Confidence will soar and self esteem will grow at Brush Up Camp.
Camp Instructors:
Mrs. Kathy Routh 410-303-6654, kathyrouth3@gmail.com
Stephanie Strayer, SStrayer@bcps.org
Registration cost: $135 each session
Algebra Prep 1:00-3:00 pm
August 17 to 21, 2020
For middle and high school students taking Algebra
Algebra Camp reviews those concepts necessary for success in Algebra I. Fraction and decimal operations, integer operations, solving equations, evaluating expressions, order of operations, and coordinate graphing will be discussed.
Instructor: Mrs. Kathy Routh 410-303-6654 or kathyrouth3@gmail.com
Registration cost: $135 each session