Contact Information
If you have any questions, please contact Catie Farley at ltrcknightscheer@outlook.comor 443-415-1803.
Program Information
Beginners or experts in all age groups are welcome!
League Information
For the Fall 2019 season, ages will be determined as of August 1, 2020. Based on your child’s birth date, they will be eligble to register for one of the following available leagues:
League | Birth Date Between | Cost |
4U | 08/02/2015 thru 08/01/2017 | $75.00 |
5U | 08/02/2014 thru 08/01/2015 | $75.00 |
6U | 08/02/2013 thru 08/01/2014 | $75.00 |
7U | 08/02/2012 thru 08/01/2013 | $110.00 |
8U | 08/02/2011 thru 08/01/2012 | $110.00 |
9U | 08/02/2010 thru 08/01/2011 | $110.00 |
10U | 08/02/2009 thru 08/01/2010 | $110.00 |
11U | 08/02/2008 thru 08/01/2009 | $110.00 |
12U | 08/02/2007 thru 08/01/2008 | $110.00 |
13U | 08/02/2006 thru 08/01/2007 | $110.00 |
14U | 08/02/2005 thru 08/01/2006 | $110.00 |
Registration Discounts
6U (Clinic) is not eligible for discounts
7U thru 14U
$110.00 for first cheerleader
$80.00 for second cheerleader
$70.00 for third cheerleader
$0.00 for fourth cheerleader and beyond
Additional Information
For more information, please visit our Facebook page.
Refund Policy
Refunds will be offered if one of the following apply:
Family emergency
Moving before the season starts
There will be a $10.00 fee for all refunds applied. If one of the above apply please email us at ltrcknightscheer@outlook.com to have your refund processed. We do pay competition fees (per cheerleader cost) and squad dues at the start of the season. We also use registration funds to start up the concession stand, trophy cost for end of year, and purchasing music.